Free Healing Downloads
Raise Your Frequency
I have explored many modalities along this path since I surrendered my life to God, and some of the “techniques” of healing I have used over the years are explained in this little booklet I created for my clients and business associates. It has details on healing the inner child; “Ho’oponopono”; a short version of EFT; Divine Decrees; chakra meditation, etc. Many of these can help deal with pesky limiting beliefs, fears and reactions we experience on a daily basis.
Download the pdf document here: Raise your Frequency (2132 KB)
From my perspective though, true and lasting healing only happens when we “nail” the specific issues that sit deep within our psyche and which we’re mostly unaware of. I have become very adept over the years at digging these up and transforming them into love, and that’s the work I am excited to share with others.