My Healing Work
Exploring the connection between our genetic programming and past lives was a big focus of my healing work for some years – probably because I found it to be a powerful way of breaking through limiting patterns and beliefs. Most people are aware that we choose our parents based on what needs resolution in this lifetime, although healing these patterns has been frustrating and elusive for most.
Through the work I do in Healing the Etheric Family Pattern, I access the original past lives that have caused people to choose their parents and by reframing the issues in those lifetimes, healing takes place. I also do a lot of work around the limiting beliefs they grew up with that still play out today – for example: if your parents had a poverty mentality and either judged the wealthy or said things like “money dosent grow on trees” then it may be hard to create abundance; if you were not encouraged to achieve, or had a dominating mother or father, then it would be challenging to reach your potential as an adult. I have found this particular modality to be foundational in creating a clean slate from which to choose the life you desire.